Sunday, January 23, 2011

Some Vegas Catch Phrases

ear culture escacharrado

Now that has been the convention PP in Seville, senior figures in the ideological and chronological rear party had the opportunity to give their opinion on various subjects. I refer mainly to Jaime Mayor Oreja, who has left his career along pearls of varying luster, as that of "abortion is a matter of Bolsheviks" , which has been followed this time with "The PSOE embraces the culture of death" ... chan chan! There have been

course familyforeros and members of other groups who have requested that when the PP comes to power in 2012 (until they take for granted) repeal the so-called "abortion law" .

Fortunately for our country, despite the reluctance of the Catholic and apostolic right, this law was passed in February 2010 with the support of common sense and regardless of personal beliefs. Notable was the crusade that kept the church with the branches of government, threatening even with excommunication to all political positions they vote "yes" to pass the law, refusing to accept new beliefs and religions and have no place in the política.

En este país somos muy dados a los extremismos, y francamente, me posiciono en contra de ellos. Ni me creo que toda la gente del PP esté en contra del aborto (que no me creo que no haya abortado ni una mujer de derechas, vaya), ni me creo que todos los socialistas y zurdos en general estén fervientemente a favor . El principal error a la hora de gestionar esta polémica consiste en equiparar “a favor del aborto” con “a favor de la regularización del aborto”.

Comprendo la reticencia moral pero no comprendo la ceguera: con ley o sin ella, el aborto está presente en la sociedad. Lamento informar a estas personas de que los abortos no se han empezado a practice last year, there have for many years, particularly since forever. If it comes to surgical abortions, well done (no remedies), this margin is reduced since 1985.

Before this date, which could afford to travel to London to avoid an unwanted child. He could not afford, no.

The first regulation appeared to prevent women poisoned or homemade abortions practiced bled who knows what ways. Came a law allowing abortion only in three cases: risk to life or physical health or mental of the mother, rape and serious malformations fetus.

psychological risk ", you say? Although there are people who do not believe in these things, the fact is that certain situations can lead to dangerous episodes of madness and even death. We are protecting primarily the mother's life: we accept that mental health is equally important and we accept the assumption that, if he is in danger, abortion is allowed.

psychology is certainly a complex issue. No one can doubt the standard of a professional. And this is what happened. However much they protest, friends "your say" , the lady who had some savings could afford to go to a psychologist who certifies important psychological risks the mother. He could not afford, no.

So this new law appears , and suddenly the clergy stayed up, the forum of the family (not mine, incidentally), the most reactionary right, calling Bolsheviks, red and murderers to those who sought to regulate something that clearly was happening now. As an abortion without first women, whether depression or abortion were privileges of the nobility. As if abortion laws require, as if each one could not use its moral rather than your wallet to make decisions.

It turns out that the new law, the number of abortions has fallen , because there was only a "law of abortion," also has quick access to the morning-after pill and has also established a system of deadlines. Nor

agree. Neither the pill, or contraception, or condoms ... uh, wait. No, this no longer. This is only the most conservative.

The topic of sex and contraception for the ultras of Catholicism I leave for another occasion.


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