Some readers may have had the pleasure (or displeasure) of meeting the Facebook page " People are assholes." Many others probably not. Who knew it, you have been
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"People are assholes", which you can see from the above link cached version of how was the 30th of January (which Google stores do not know how long), has been closed
In a couple of strokes, "People are assholes" was a page apolitical criticism aimed at the ignorant pride, bigotry, intransigence and hypocrisy. It quotations shared intelligent, kits of others intellectually distant from the first, and news or links like these:
- China uses images of "Top Gun" in a story on his army
- The Archbishop of Brussels says that AIDS is just "because you mistreat love"
- Boy boasts of how well he knows to skip the subway without paying barrier: Very smart versus Karma
- newspaper Pimp Egyptian official with Photoshop a picture of Mubarak and Obama to look like the Egyptian president calls the shots.
Anyway, and so on until 100 or 200 links but wanted little more than just drawing a portrait of the absurdity of society in which we live.
Apparently, some asshole felt alluded to and denounced the site, which has been closed.
That's it for today. If you use facebook and you are interested in re-raise, you can contact me and I explain the bailout plan (which is pathetic and tiny, but good). Thanks also spread the news, anyway.
Greetings, readers
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